Refractory oxides do not have any effect on molten titanium metal at the time of casting process.
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Which of the following methods of melting is not used for melting titanium metal?
Titanium metal generally has a high melting point and low thermal conductivity.
How is much amount of chromium (in percent) normally added in steel to be called as stainless steel?
Which of the following types of stainless steels contain maximum amount of chromium in it?
In the manufacturing of stainless steel, oxidation of carbon and chromium cannot be possible.
Which of the following materials is required in a technique of decarburizing the molten steel?
In argon oxygen decarburization (AOD) method, whole process is carried out in a converter type of vessel.
Preheating of scrap material in steel making process can increase the overall productivity.
The dust produced from electric furnaces in steel making procedure is directly thrown out to the atmosphere via chimney.
Obsolete scrap is the scrap which is relatively pure and its chemical composition is known.