The tendency to de-emulsify quantitatively is determined by ______test.
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The time required for the constituents to separate from the emulsion is known as ______
Specific gravity is determined by ______ test.
Which of the following equation is related to Fick’s second law_________
______ is used to find the viscosity of the lubricating oil.
Diffusion coefficient of B-atom is given as 2.5m²/s and L value is given as 2m, calculate the relaxation time?
For a two-stroke engine ______ system of engine lubrication is used.
The average range of oil mixed with petrol in a two-stroke engine ______
______ is connected to the connecting rod in splash type of lubrication.
After a time t=2*? (? is taken as relaxation time), the amplitude of concentration decreases by__
______ is attached to the oil pump in the pressure system to guard it against the entry of grit.