What is the dwell time?
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Which of the following is not considered while deciding the optimum firing order of the engine?
Why is the Dwell meter used?
Which of the following is the disadvantage of the magneto ignition system?
For how many times the contact breaker must make and break the circuit for a four-cylinder engine operating at N rpm?
Which of the following is the wrong statement?
On which condition does the vacuum advance mechanism shift the ignition point?
The optimum spark timing must be retarded for the engine operating with a rich mixture.
The function of the ignition system is to _____________ the flame propagation process.
The total enthalpy required to cause the flame to be self sustaining and promote ignition, is given by the product of the surface area of the spherical flame and the enthalpy per unit area.
A spark can be caused by applying a sufficiently low voltage between two electrodes separated by a gap.