Which of the following materials is required in a technique of decarburizing the molten steel?
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In argon oxygen decarburization (AOD) method, whole process is carried out in a converter type of vessel.
Preheating of scrap material in steel making process can increase the overall productivity.
The dust produced from electric furnaces in steel making procedure is directly thrown out to the atmosphere via chimney.
Obsolete scrap is the scrap which is relatively pure and its chemical composition is known.
Steel yield is highest in continuous casting method which significantly reduces scraps.
Copper cannot be removed from steel scraps by the method of conventional refining.
The term degassing is basically employed for optimizing the use of materials used in production of casting components.
Excess of nitrogen in molten casting can cause embrittlement of casting components.
The presence of hydrogen in molten casting strengthens the casting components.
Degassing can be carried out by placing ladle containing liquid metal under vacuum.