Which of the following types of iron represents purest form of iron in the manufacturing process?
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Which of the following types of cast iron includes black flakes of graphite in it?
Which of the following types of clay mineral includes potassium in the layer structure?
The cast irons are highly corrosive resistant material due to presence of high silicon content in it.
High manganese content in cast iron provides excellent weld-ability of the material.
Palygorskite and sepiolite clay minerals generally have similar fibrous structures.
Cast iron is widely used in industries because of its high ratio of performance to cost involved in manufacturing.
Grey cast iron generally has poor machinability due to the presence of graphite flakes in it.
Ball clay is a type of clay which has zero percent moisture or water content in it.
Which of the following parts are mostly manufactured by using grey cast iron?
Presence of which material in aluminium alloy provides ductility to the alloy?